Welcome to MindCraft – monthly creative well-being events in English in the Cheerful House!
Who is it for?
English speakers aged 18+ who want to be a part of a friendly cheerful community. We encourage the use of English in order to provide a comfortable home-like space to those new to Finland, still studying Finnish, or Finns who want to spend time speaking English.
What are we doing?
Once a month we prepare a range of creative well-being activities which you can take part in, watch, or simply chill with a book on the sofa. Here´s what we do:
Arts: Playing music, singing, colouring, drawing, painting, doing handicrafts
Games: Uno, chess, Switch games, Magic the Gathering
Puzzles: Jigsaw
We provide non-alcoholic drinks and small snacks.
When is it?
You can come along at any time during open hours. There is no need to let us know if you are planning to come along, just turn up - you are very welcome!
Open hours are from 17.00 - 20.00 (5pm - 8pm) on the following dates:
- Tuesday 17 September 2024
- Monday 14 October 2024
- Monday 11 November 2024
- Monday 23 December 2024
- Tuesday 28 January 2025
- Thursday 27 February 2025
What is the cost?
MindCraft is completely free! If you wish to support this project, please let us know.
Who is running this?
This is being run in partnership between Hyvän Mielen Talo and Belle DreamCatcher of Fairy & Wizard Finland.
Contact details
If you want to know more, please contact Lölä: lola.vlasenko@hyvanmielentalo.fi, 044 7214277
If you wish to receive reminders of upcoming dates, please text Belle on 044 989 0556
Kauppurienkatu 23, 2d floor, 90100 Oulu